jeudi 31 mars 2011

Changer de direction....

Nothing of itself is evil. there is great beauty in all created by mind and hand. Modern technology is a wondrous thing born of dedicated, inventive minds which created amazing opportunities and unfathomable hope. But only if that mind moves with reverence for all life and asks what mark it leaves seven generations hence. For that was the old way, the good way.

If we continue to walk into the wilderness of the mind, a place that accept separation from the world and its creatures, to arrogantly stand apart, our future is fatally flawed. We are slaves to the ultimate illusion.
If we continue to destroy life around us, continue to pollute the waters, continue to plunder the forests and fill the air with poisons, we abuse the freedoms gifted to us. And all we say we love will one day die.
It is time to bring into the Universe of the Mind understandings that mesh with the natural lore of creation and renewal. It is time to make the longest journey of all, the one that is but three spans across, the journey that brings the head to the heart.

extrait du livre "Song of the old tides" de Barry Brailsford.

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